Friday 20 June 2014

Last Blog!

We have come a long way my friends and I sadly have no more workouts to post for you. In my last blog I would like to talk to you all about why I chose this topic and why it’s so important to me. This is my last blog so please bear with me here (grrrrr) get it? Bear with me? A bear? Never mind. I hope you all enjoyed my blogs and thank you all for reading.

I chose this blog because it’s something I enjoy doing a lot and it’s my favorite hobby. I love working out because it makes me feel good physically and mentally. Working out is a good confidence booster and helps me cope with stress. Nothing feels better than looking in the mirror and seeing results after a good workout. Working out reduces your risk of depression, it brings up your energy levels and it just feels right. I started almost 4 years ago and I’m still going strong today. It is one of the best decisions I’ve done in my lifetime and I hope to keep going strong in my pursuit of a better and healthier lifestyle. Working out is something that takes a lot of motivation and dedication to start but once you begin, you will be hooked. It’s like love at first sight but better, I call it love after first lift.

Thank you all once again for reading my blogs, I hope they give you all the confidence and motivation to start going to the gym and changing your body and health for the best. Working out changed me for the better and I strongly believe that it will do the same for you. “Make yourself unstoppable “For the last time, thank you all for reading Maroun’s health and fit advice.

Arms And Abs

Finally we have reached our last workout together, it is time to workout those tiny little pipes that you call arms into weapons of mass destruction! I will also be incorporating abs into this blog because I haven’t had the chance to mention it in previous blogs and I do not have enough time or motivation to dedicate abs for a whole other blog. So without further ado let’s begin our last workout.

Skull Crushers
I like to start my workout with seated dumbbell biceps curls, it’s a good way to warm up the bicep muscles for the workouts to come.  Essentially, a biceps curl is when you keep your elbows close to your torso and rotate your palms until your hands are facing forward. Now curl the weights until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at the same level as your shoulders. Do four sets of this workout then move on to the next. Now we have a triceps workout called skull crusher, don’t be afraid it won’t crush your skull if you don’t go to heavy. Using the EZ bar and holding it with your elbows in as you’re lying down on the bench. Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor and slowly lower the bar by allowing the elbows to flex. Once it’s directly over the forehead pause for a moment then lift it back up to the starting position (Link 2). Next up I like to switch back to biceps and do some dumbbell hammer curls. For this exercise you position the dumbbells to your sides and then raise one dumbbells until forearm is vertical and your thumb faces your shoulder. Bring it back down and repeat with your other arm. Your biceps muscles should be on fire by now. Remember to do four sets with each workout. Next up some triceps with the cable. The most common grip is the overhand narrow one. Position your elbows to side and extend down. Return it until forearm is close to upper arm. You can also watch the next video to see different types of arm workouts.

So for my ab workouts I like to keep them nice and simple because let’s face it, no one likes to workout abs. By now you should know how to do crunches, well I would hope. Start off by doing 30 crunches and repeat it for 3 to four sets depending how motivated you are. I also like to planks and ab machines. I have no time left so I will also post video links to explain some of the exercises.

I hope you enjoy this last workout and feel a good amount of pain in your arms and core. “ You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. Thank you for reading Maroun’s health and fit advice. ( crunches 10 min ab workout. 

What Not To DO At The Gym

I’ve been wanting to talk about this blog for a while and wish I wrote it earlier on because some of you might have done some of these common and uncommon mistakes while going to the gym. In this blog I will be talking about the things that frustrate me while I’m casually working out at the gym. Some are quite funny and some are just annoying.

Now I do not know where to start so I’ll just talk about the funny things I’ve seen in the past year or so at the Lifestyles on Dougall where I workout. Now ladies, as much as you love your Starbucks coffee or whatever Frappuccino they sell over there, it shouldn’t be with you while you’re walking on the treadmill because you’re defeating the purpose of walking on the treadmill and losing calories. To add to that, if you’re only going to the gym to walk or jog on the treadmill, why did you get a membership in the first place? I mean you can just walk outside… at least you’ll be going somewhere. Moving on to roid ragging Joe who gets a fit at the smallest little things and thinks the whole gym belongs to him. For example, I was warming up in front of roid ragging Joe one day and was blocking half of  his mirror space, not knowing he was self-conscious about is body, as a result he got angry and started an argument that ended with him finishing his set and leaving the gym in tears. Just kidding but he was angry and did leave the gym, don’t be that guy. Then we have talking Tommy who only goes to the gym to make conversation with others and only workouts for ten minutes, don’t be that guy! Now on to the next character, this one is precious and dearest to my heart, I call this person bouncing Betty. The reason for that nickname is very simple, he is in his little corner for an hour bouncing up and down doing biceps curls, what is he doing you might ask? That question remains to be answered…  Personally I think he’s developing a breakthrough workout technique that still hasn’t landed in the mainstream fitness world. Finally when you think something might be too heavy, chances are it is too heavy. For example little Jimmy thought he could squat 275 pounds by himself without a spot, he thought wrong and fell embarrassingly on his behind. Moral of the story is don’t workout harder, workout smarter. One last thing because I was mostly talking about males in the gym, ladies please you’re going to work out and not go out, all that makeup isn’t necessary.  

I could go on and on but I’m in a rush because these are my last minute blogs, do not procrastinate like me! I apologize for not posting this one earlier on in my blogs but I hope it gives you a sense of what to avoid while working out at the gym. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you” Fred DeVito 

Shoulder Day

 It’s Thursday and you have nothing to do, so what are you going to do? You’re going to go pig out at buffalo wild wings by yourself because there’s a good deal on boneless chicken wings. But before you go, you realise its shoulder day today so buffalo wild wings will have to wait. I know you’re disappointed, but those scrawny looking shoulders won’t build themselves and that summer body won’t magically appear!

You should know the drill by now, that treadmill misses you and wants your acquaintance for at least 5 minutes. Because it’s shoulder day, while you’re running exaggerate shoulder movement to get ready for some lifting. Now that you’ve warmed them up, get to your nearest dumbbell rack and start doing your military press. Now if you are not comfortable with dumbbell’s yet because they seem a little too complex, head over to the military press shoulder machine. Now essentially all you do is put the dumbbells on your lap, then raise them to shoulder height by using your thighs as a lift mechanism. After that you push up until 
they touch and bring them back down to shoulder height again. Repeat the motion 10 times for your warm up set, then continue to do this with heavier weights until you rep out at the fourth set. The next workout is called lateral raises, when you put the dumbbells in front of your thighs with “elbows slightly bent, hip and knees slightly bent as well”. You then “raise  your  upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height’’. Lower and repeat that motion until you finish your set’’Link 2. Proceed to do all four sets like the last exercice. I also like to do front raises and seated lateral raises (go to link 2 for explanation). Finally to finish off my workout, I like to do shoulder shrugs to workout my traps. You grab two dumbbells and place them in front of your thighs and raise them by using your shoulders, lower them after a quick break and repeat. There should be different machines that allow you to do this at the gym without using dumbbells as well. Do four sets and you finished your shoulder workout.

Congratulations on finishing your shoulder workout and keep up the good work. “Fit is not a destination. It is a way of life”   

Back Day

It’s that time of the day again, now stop stuffing your face…… With healthy and nutritional foods and get to the gym! I’m obviously joking about the healthy food because we all know those cookies and chips you were eating aren’t at the top of the nutrition chart… Now get ready because it’s BACK DAY! The day you lose function of your back due to pain and maybe a bit of gain!
wide-grip-deadlift.jpg (400×340)
Dead Lift 

You should know the drill by now, get to that treadmill or elliptical and get that five minute warm up done. Now that you’re all warmed, get to working out that unbelievably weak back. Now I usually start off with pull ups but I’m guessing you can’t do any, instead go to the lateral pull down machine and do four sets. Remember start at a low weight and progressively move up in weight until you reach your max, then rep out. It’s important that when you do any back exercises, you feel a good squeeze in your shoulder blades. Next up, seated rows. These workouts target your latissimus dorsi muscle and your biceps, so you’re building your guns at the same time. Next up, some bent over rows with a barbell or a kneeling bent over row. If you’re feeling really motivated, you can do both! Those workouts also target your Rhomboids and post deltoids. Last but not least, my favorite workout of all time, DEADLIFTS. They are called deadlifts because plenty of people have died during and after trying it! Just kidding, but avoid going heavy if you never tried it. Deadlifts are an effective way of targeting your lower back muscles and hamstrings on your legs. I usually do deadlifts at the beginning of my workout do to the fact that it takes up most of my energy.

 To conclude the end of this workout, stretch or you won’t be able to move the next day. Take your time in every stretch, at least 30 seconds per stretch. Remember to stay motivated because you’re already done half the workouts. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” 1
Workouts explained in order by videos:

Sunday 13 April 2014

Chest Day !

Chest Day!!!!
Chest day ladies and gentlemen, the best day of your entire week! Working out chest is probably the most fun muscle group to tackle. It’s one of the most intense workouts of the body, and you should always have a spotter. Chest day incorporates the pectoral muscles of your body and the triceps as well. So be prepared for an awesome workout that will surely rip your chest apart!

Bench Press Link 1
Decline Bench Press Link 1
Like I said previously, you should always begin your workout by doing a quick warm up (approximately 5-10 minutes) to avoid injuries. After you’re all warmed up, get on that bench press and get to work. As I said, you should have a person behind you spotting just in case. Start off at a low weight and progressively move to your maximum weight for a good 2-4 repetitions. Finish it with a proper set (rep out) and then move along to the next workout. Do the same for the following exercises, incline bench press and decline bench press so you can target your upper and lower pectoral muscles. I suggest that you change it up by using dumbbells so you do not reach a plateau (not seeing any more gains or progress). Another workout you should consider are push ups, dips, and lower cable chest raises. All these workouts are excellent at targeting your pectoral muscles. Now for ladies who think they shouldn’t workout their chest, you are wrong! Not working out your chest creates an off balance workout routine resulting in a bad posture, and can lead to injury when using chest muscles for other workouts (Body Building). So ladies do not skip out on this one. If you are not comfortable with using certain areas of the gym or do not have a partner, use the chest machines.  
Incline Bench Link 1
So now that you have a pretty good idea of how to workout your chest, go give it a try. Remember to always have a spotter with you when you’re doing these exercises. Workout hard and never give up, you’ll start seeing results. It won’t happen in a day or two, it takes time and dedication so keep going at it. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more of Maroun’s health and fit advice.  
Learn to work through the pain
Motivation quote (Link 3) ( ideas of how to do certain types of workouts)

Your First Workout

Your First Workout
Now that you have learned how to get started, it’s time to tackle your first workout. To begin, it’s important to have an exercise schedule for the whole week to know exactly what muscle group you want to target that specific day of the week. On Mondays, I like to start off with the biggest muscle components in the body, which would be legs. If you do not workout your legs, you will have what I call “Chicken Legs Syndrome”, which means you will have very small legs and a bigger upper body. There are plenty of ways to target the 3 main muscle groups in your legs; the quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings (the back of the thigh) and your calves.  

Me showing off 
Firstly, I highly suggest to start with compound exercises and finish off with individualized exercises. Compound exercises are the ones that use multiple muscle groups at one time, whereas individualized exercises only use one muscle group at a time. To begin, you should always do a quick warm up by running on a treadmill or an elliptical to get your heart rate up and to avoid injuries. Then go to the nearest squat rack to begin the first exercise. Squats are a very complex exercise to do, therefore, I suggest to have a spotter (a person who supports you while you’re doing an exercise) with you. You should always start at a low weight and progress to your heaviest. Four sets is ideal and to finish off, you rep out at the last set, which means you do as many as you can at a light weight to finish the exercise. You do the following for the next exercises coming up. 
Lunges target all the muscle groups in the legs including your glutes (butt), so for all the ladies that want a bigger behind, that workout is for you. Then you should use the knee extension machine for your quadriceps, the knee flexion machine for your hamstrings, and calf raises, well, for your calves… After you finish make sure to stretch very well, hold it for at least 20 to 30 seconds!

After you’re done, I am confident that you will most likely be walking with a limp for the next couple of days, especially if it’s your first workout. So remember to follow the following exercises to have an awesome leg workout! Stay tuned for more of Maroun’s health and fit advice.

“Pain is weakness leaving the body”